The Medical Imaging Technology course is a specialized course focused on educating individuals in acquiring, interpreting and analyzing medical images used in healthcare. This course is designed to help students acquire the knowledge and skills needed to use complex imaging tools for diagnosis, understand the basics of medical imaging, and use medical imaging effectively.
In Medical Science, students learn about various tests such as X-ray radiography, Computed Tomography (CT), Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), Ultrasound, Nuclear Medicine and Positron Emission Tomography (PET). They have in-depth knowledge of physics, instrumentation, and finding unique images for each modification. In addition, students study anatomy, physiology, and pathology to better understand the human body and its various disease processes.
Coursework in medical imaging technology programs often includes courses in radiation safety, patient placement, image quality control, image postprocessing, and image interpretation. Students are trained to use imaging equipment, use appropriate electrical safety procedures, and improve image quality. They also learn to interpret medical images and identify anatomical patterns, abnormalities, and pathological conditions.
Hands-on training is an essential part of medical imaging technology. Students have the opportunity to work in a clinical setting where they gain experience performing imaging procedures under the supervision of experienced professionals.
This hands-on collaboration allows them to develop their skills, communication skills, and ability to work as part of a healthcare team.